
What’s unique? SQL Payroll software is built from ground up around Payroll Process. You can easily process and print from one to hundreds of employee’s pay slip with just a few mouse click.What’s more is that you can virtually keep unlimited payroll history and have your data safe and sound with strong security and data protection.

Payroll Made Easy

✔️You enter payroll info – SQL Payroll software do the rest.

✔️A dedicated team of experts ready to work with you.

✔️It’s customizable from payroll logic to payroll reports.

✔️Guaranteed accurate paychecks and taxes.

SQL Payroll is so simple! Discover how in a few steps you can go from Payroll Process to printing pay slips.

Process Payroll

Leave Module

Payroll Report

SQL E-Leave

System Requirement.

Recommended Hardware:
– PC with Intel i5/i7 or AMD Ryzen 5/7 processor or above.
– 4GB RAM or above 

Supported O/S:
– Windows 10, Windows 11, Windows Server 2019 or above

SQL Payroll – What so special about it ? from on Vimeo.

E PCB eData.

Perkeso Assist Portal 2.0 – Everything you need to know.

